「spend 」、「cost」 、「take」 和「pay」在生活中常常用到,但是「花錢」和 「花時間」不知道怎麼用英文說嗎?千萬不要灰心啦!都是因為中文的「花」沒有差別,才 導致你搞不清楚。不過,現在就讓我們一起來學怎麼用英文「花錢」和「花時間」吧!
Spend (V.)花費金錢或是時間
(動詞三態:Spend, spent, spent)
用法1:人 + spend + 時間/錢 + 動詞ing(V-ing)
用法2:人 + spend + 時間/錢 + on 名詞(N.)
- 例句:I spend an hour exercising every night.
- 例句:Harry spends two and half hours to go to school everyday.
- 例句:Melody spent $5000 on the make-up things every month.
- 例句:Katy is going to spend the whole weekend preparing for the presentation.
Cost (V.)花費金錢
(動詞三態:Cost, cost, cost)
用法:「事物 + cost +(人)+ 錢
「Cost」和 「Spend」最大的不同在於主詞是物品或是「It」。它只用於花費多少金額,而不用在花時間且主詞不會是人。
- 例句:It cost me $50000 to buy the ticket from Taiwan to Costa Rica.
- 例句:My new laptop cost me almost $40000. It’s really expensive.
- 例句:The cost of tour is $2000 each person which is pretty reasonable.
- 例句:It costs me around 100,000 dollars to buy this 60 years old house.
Take (V.)花費時間
(動詞三態:Take, took, taken)
用法1:事物 + take +(人)+ 時間
用法2:It + takes +(人)+ 時間 + to 動詞
「Take」只用於花費時間,它的主詞可以是「it」 或「花時間做的事情」。在這裡特別注意「take 」後面加「所做的事」時,要用 「to +動詞 ( 不定詞) 」,而放句首時要用動名詞。
- 例句:It took me 2 hours to finished my essay.
- 例句:It took me 46 hours to travel to Peru. I am dead tired now.
- 例句:Writing the report took me an hour.
- 例句:Making this pie took me two hours!
Pay (V.)付錢
(動詞三態:Pay, paid, paid)
用法:人 + pay + 錢 + for 人事物
- 例句:Marco told me that he paid 5000 dollars for the apartment.
- 例句:My brother paid almost $5000 to get this motorcycle. It’s insane.
- 例句:If I could get a vacation now, I would pay for a ticket to Thailand right away.
- 例句:I would pay for it, but he didn’t let me.
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