想轉職、求職進去外商公司工作,或是要找海外工作,遇到國外公司勢必要寫一封英文自薦信(Cover Letter),這時卻發現腦海一片空白?不要怕!YES耶思小編教你Cover Letter英文怎麼寫?帶你一起看英文自薦信要寫什麼?並教你自我介紹的英文單字,包準你看完後,靈感源源不絕。
Cover Letter 的必備資訊
自我介紹 Self-introduction
在Cover Letter 的最上面應要放置自己的基本資訊,你不需要寫上自己的住址,但需註明電話和信箱。
Put your name and contact details at the top of your cover letter. You don’t have to give your postal address, but you do need to include your email and phone number.
應徵的工作 Job
At the beginning of the cover letter, you need to say which job you are applying for. You can just write a sentence for it, or you can do a paragraph for it, but remember don’t write too long.
你的特點 skills & advantages
Write down your skills and experiences match the job description. It’s okay to write it in a short bullet list.
Mature (adj.) 成熟的
例句:Jenny is very mature, you should learn from her.
Honest (adj.) 誠實的
例句:I am just trying to be honest with you, please don’t be mad!
Dynamic (adj.) 精力充沛
例句:She’s young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
Resourceful (adj.) 機敏的
例句:Adam is a very resourceful manager.
Initiative (adj.) 積極樂觀
例句:The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
Efficient (adj.)
例句:We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
Creative (adj.) 有創造力的
例句:Anna is very creative on the design front.
good communication skill 溝通能力強
例句:Being a good listener is one of the ways to have good communication skills.
leadership quality 領導素質
例句:Jason has great leadership quality that can inspire his team members.
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看完這篇Yes耶思小編整理的Cover Letter英文怎麼寫的教學後,是不是在寫英文自薦信的時候就更有自信了呢?
想知道更多英文Cover Letter的注意事項,都歡迎詢問Yes老師群,透過線上英文一對一方式幫你量身訂做唷!