1. Fry (cook in hot oil) 油炸
2. Roast (cook with dry heat, especially in an oven; for example duck) 烘烤(肉類)
3. Bake (cook in the oven; for example bread) 烘焙(麵食類)
4. Grill (cook by direct heat as in a barbecue or under a grill) 用(烤架)烤
5. Sauté (cook in a small amount of oil until brown) 用少量油煎、炒
6. Stew (cook for a long time over a low flame) 燜
7. Simmer (cook over a low flame after coming to the boil) 燉
8. Grate (shred food, such as carrots or cheese, with a grater) 磨碎
9. Marinate (soak, especially meat, in spiced liquid or wine, usually overnight) 入滷汁泡
10. Mash (convert into soft pulpy mixture as in mashed potatoes) 搗成泥
11. Brew (prepare a drink, such as tea, by infusing) 沖泡/煮
12. Purée (process food through a blender to make a soft pulp; for example tomato purée) 把……做成醬、濃湯
13. Mince (chop, cut or grind into very small pieces) 絞碎
14. Boil (cook in hot, boiling water) 煮熟
15. Dice (chop into cubes) 切小塊
16. Knead (work dough with the hands, before baking in the oven to make bread) 揉麵
17. Toast (heat and brown in a toaster, oven or near a fire; for example bread) 烘烤
18. Blanch (dip quickly into very hot water; for example carrots) 汆燙
19. Toss (mix a salad lightly so as to cover with dressing) 翻面
20. Whip (beat rapidly to force air into a mixture, as in whipped cream) 攪拌
21. Shred (to cut or tear something into small pieces) 切絲
22. Steam (to place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam) 蒸
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