本文將分享 5 大實用的商用英文對話範例,並深入解析商用會話的商用英文單字與表達方式,讓你在工作中輕鬆應用。
Employee: Hi, I’m not feeling well today, so I need to take a sick day. 你好,我今天不太舒服,需要請病假。
Manager: I hope you feel better soon. Please take the rest of the day off and let me know if you need any assistance. 希望你早日康復。請休息一天,如果需要幫助,隨時告訴我。
Employee: Thank you! I’ll keep you updated and will let you know if I need more time off. 謝謝!我會隨時更新情況,如果需要更多休息時間會告訴你。
- Sick day: 病假,因生病所請的假別。
- Take the day off: 休假,指不工作的一天。
- Update: 更新,指向上級或同事提供最新工作狀況。
John: Good morning, everyone. Let’s get started. Today we’re going to discuss the upcoming product launch. I’ll start by reviewing the timeline, then we can go through each department’s progress. 大家早安,我們開始吧!今天我們要討論即將推出的產品。我先簡單回顧一下時間表,然後我們會一個一個討論各部門的進展情況。
Alice: Sounds good, John. I’ll present the marketing plan after you finish. 聽起來不錯,John。我會在你講完後展示行銷計劃。
John: Great, thank you, Alice. Let’s move on to the first item on the agenda. 太好了,謝謝Alice。我們接著進入議程的第一項。
- Get started: 開始,這裡指的是會議開始。
- Timeline: 時間表,指計劃或專案的時間安排。
- Agenda: 議程,會議的討論項目。
Client: Can you provide me with a more detailed quote for the services? 您能提供更詳細的服務報價嗎?
Sales: Sure, I’ll email you a breakdown of the pricing and include the scope of work we’ll be providing. 當然,我會發送一封電子郵件,詳細列出價格明細並附上我們提供的服務範圍。
Client: Please include any applicable discounts or special offers as well. 請順便提供任何適用的折扣或特別優惠。
Sales: I’ll definitely include that. I’ll send it over by the end of the day. 好的,會包含在報價單內,我會在今天下班前發送給您。
- Quote: 報價,提供產品或服務的價格。
- Breakdown: 明細,詳細列出項目和價格。
- Scope of work: 服務範圍,指提供的工作內容。
Manager: I’d like to have a quick check-in on your progress. How are things going with the project? 我想了解一下你的專案進度,最近進度如何?
Employee: It’s going well. We’ve completed the initial research, and we’re now moving into the development phase. 進展順利,我們已經完成了初步的研究,現在正在進入開發階段。
Manager: That’s great to hear. Let’s make sure we stay on schedule and hit our targets. 很好,讓我們確保按計劃進行,並達成目標。
Employee: Absolutely. I’ll keep you updated on our progress. 沒問題,我也會隨時向您匯報最新進度。
- Check-in: 檢查,跟進進度。
- Development phase: 開發階段,專案中的實施或開發工作。
- On schedule: 按計劃進行,指按時完成。
Negotiator: We understand your offer, but we believe the price is a bit higher than what we’re willing to pay. Would you consider lowering it by 10%? 我們看過報價,但覺得價格比我們願意支付的金額高一些,是否有考慮將價格降低 10%?
Sales: I see your point, but we’ve already factored in all costs. How about we offer you a 5% discount instead? 我明白您的立場,但我們已經將所有成本計算在內了。不然的話,提供 5% 的折扣可以嗎?
Negotiator: That’s a fair counteroffer. I’ll discuss it with my team and get back to you shortly. 這個反報價聽起來比較合理,我會跟我的團隊討論,並盡快給您回覆。
Sales: Sounds good. I look forward to hearing from you. 好的,期待您的回覆。
- Counteroffer: 反報價,對對方的提議作出的回應。
- Lower: 降低,指將價格或條件減少。
- Discuss with the team: 與團隊討論,指與同事或上級商討事宜。
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