面臨越來越國際化的商業環境,你是不是也有這些困擾:不知道怎麼寫「請客戶下單英文 Email」?收到報價後,不知道如何專業回覆?擔心商用英文不夠正式,怕對方看不懂?
別擔心!本文直接手把手教你「下訂單英文書信」的標準格式,還有回覆報價英文、正式報價單英文範例,讓你在國際商務往來中超級流暢又專業!不管是初步報價、同意報價,還是正式報價單英文,通通幫你整理好超實用 Email 範本,讓你不再為商業溝通煩惱!
首先,無論是提供報價英文信件還是請客戶下單英文信件,內容力求的都是清楚明瞭,讓人一讀就知道你想表達什麼。如果你要請供應商或客戶下單,一封完整的 Email 應該包含這幾個關鍵部分:
1. 開場問候(Greeting)
- Dear [Supplier’s Name], 親愛的 [供應商姓名],
- Hello [Company Name] Team, 你好,[公司名稱] 團隊,
2. 說明下訂單目的(Purpose of the Email)
- We would like to place an order for the following items. 我們想要訂購以下商品。
- Please confirm the availability and pricing of the products listed below. 請確認以下產品的供貨情況與價格。
3. 訂單細節(Order Details)
在 Email 中清楚列出以下內容:
- 產品名稱(Product Name)
- 型號(Model/Specification)
- 數量(Quantity)
- 單價(Unit Price)
- 總金額(Total Amount)
- 交貨時間(Delivery Date)
Product Name | Model No. | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Price |
LED Desk Lamp | LD-2023 | 50 pcs | $25 | $1,250 |
Wireless Mouse | WM-1001 | 100 pcs | $15 | $1,500 |
4. 付款與物流安排(Payment & Shipping Terms)
- Please confirm the estimated delivery date and shipping method. 請確認預計交貨日期及運輸方式。
- We will proceed with the payment via wire transfer upon order confirmation. 訂單確認後,我們將透過電匯付款。
5. 結尾與期待回覆(Closing & Follow-up)
- Looking forward to your confirmation. 期待您的確認。
- Please let us know if you need any further details. 如需更多細節,請隨時告知。
Email Subject: Order Confirmation for [Product Name]
Dear [Supplier’s Name],
We would like to place an order for the following products:
Product Name | Model No. | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Price |
Bluetooth Speaker | BS-2023 | 200 pcs | $30 | $6,000 |
Power Bank | PB-5000 | 150 pcs | $20 | $3,000 |
Please confirm the stock availability and estimated delivery time. The payment will be made via wire transfer upon order confirmation.
Looking forward to your prompt confirmation. Let us know if you require any additional details.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company]
- 小提醒
- 直接點出訂單內容,不囉嗦!
- 付款與物流寫清楚,避免來回溝通浪費時間!
- 結尾要禮貌,讓對方感受到你的專業與尊重!
除了下訂單商用英文,要怎麼禮貌回覆廠商報價給你的英文信件,或撰寫專業的提供報價英文信件?接下來就跟著小編來看回覆報價信範例英文 Email 和提供報價的英文書信範例吧!
1. 提供報價英文範本
Email Subject: Quotation for [Product Name]
Dear [Client’s Name],
Thank you for your inquiry about [Product Name]. Please find our quotation below:
Product Name | Model No. | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Price |
LED Desk Lamp | LD-2023 | 50 pcs | $25 | $1,250 |
The price includes standard packaging and shipping. Please let us know if you need any modifications.
Looking forward to your confirmation.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company]
主旨:[產品名稱] 報價
親愛的 [客戶姓名],
感謝您詢問 [產品名稱],以下是我們的報價:
產品名稱 | 型號 | 數量 | 單價 | 總金額 |
LED 檯燈 | LD-2023 | 50 個 | $25 | $1,250 |
- 小提醒
- 直接附上報價表,不要讓對方自己問來問去!
- 客氣但果斷,讓對方知道價格已確定!
2. 回覆報價信範例英文
Email Subject: Re: Quotation for [Product Name]
Dear [Supplier’s Name],
Thank you for your quotation. We have reviewed the details and would like to proceed with the order.
Please confirm the final pricing and estimated delivery date before we proceed.
Looking forward to your confirmation.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company]
主旨:回覆:[產品名稱] 報價
親愛的 [供應商姓名],
- 小提醒
- 不要模糊表達:「我們可能會考慮……」(這樣會讓對方覺得你不確定)
- 清楚說「我們要下單」,並確認價格與交貨日期!
請客戶下單英文 Email 怎麼寫?
前面我們已經了解到提供報價英文信件的精髓,經歷了初步報價、正式報價且客戶回覆了同意報價英文信件之後,如何禮貌催促客戶下單?這時候你可以使用以下 Email 範例:
Subject: Follow-up on Quotation for [Product Name]
Dear [Customer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our quotation for [Product Name] sent on [Date]. Please let us know if you require any modifications or additional information.
If you are ready to proceed, kindly confirm your order by [Date], so we can arrange production and delivery accordingly.
Looking forward to your response. Please feel free to contact me for any questions.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
- Let us know if you would like to proceed with this order. 請告知我們是否確認下單。
- Kindly confirm your order by [Date] to proceed. 請在 [日期] 前確認訂單,以便我們安排生產。
可以設定回覆期限,確保客戶不會拖延回應,或是信件中加入「Let me know if you need any modifications.」表達願意調整條件,增加成交機率。
> 延伸閱讀:2025 商業英文、商用英文必備及句型,輕鬆駕馭商務場合!
歡迎來到YesOnline,提供外師一對一英文教學:ESL生活英文、BBC 時事英文、商業英文、青少年英文、兒童線上英文 …等線上課程,只要透過網路在線上學習系統先預約想要的上課時段,就可不用出門,在家輕鬆學英文,搭配教學評量測驗持續進步,讓你輕鬆開口對英文說Yes!歡迎洽詢!
如果你想更流暢地使用下訂單商用英文,或希望寫出更專業的報價與商務 Email,推薦你試試 YesOnline 線上一對一課程,學習商務溝通技巧,讓你的 Email 更專業!現在就開始提升你的 商用英文 Email 能力,讓你的訂單與報價信件更具專業度吧!
若你有任何疑問,也請聯繫 YesOnline 線上英文,了解更多英文課程相關資訊唷!