離職信英文的 6 大基本架構與注意事項
在撰寫離職信時,務必要簡單明瞭、禮貌得體。現在就先來跟小編了解一下離職信英文寫作的 6 大基本結構吧!通常包含以下幾個部分:
離職信英文架構 1. Email 主旨(離職信英文主旨)
- Resignation Notice – 【Your Name】(離職通知 – 你的名字)
- Resignation Letter – 【Your Name】(離職信 – 你的名字)
- Notice of Resignation(離職通知)
離職信英文架構 2. 開頭問候與離職聲明
在離職信英文的開頭可以先對主管或 HR 表示問候,然後直接清楚說明你的離職決定,例如:
Dear 【主管名字】,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally resign from my position as 【職位名稱】at【公司名稱】, effective【最後工作日】.
離職信英文架構 3. 英文離職原因簡單說明
個人生涯規劃(Career Development)
- I have decided to pursue a new career opportunity. 我決定追求新的職業機會。
- After careful consideration, I have accepted a new position that aligns with my career goals. 經過慎重考慮,我接受了一個更符合職涯目標的新職位。
家庭或個人因素(Personal or Family Reasons)
- Due to personal reasons, I have made the difficult decision to step down from my role. 因個人因素,我做出了這個艱難的決定。
- I need to take some time off for family commitments. 我需要花一些時間處理家庭事務。
進修或學業(Further Studies)
- I will be furthering my studies and will no longer be able to continue working full-time. 我將繼續進修,因此無法繼續全職工作。
公司內部變動(Company Changes)
- Due to recent organizational changes, I believe it is the right time for me to explore new opportunities. 因為近期組織變動,我認為現在是我尋找新機會的好時機。
小編提醒大家,一定要避免在英文離職信中負面評論公司或主管(即使你對公司不滿,也不需要在離職信中表達)。保持專業和正向的語氣,即使是因為不滿而離職,也可簡單說「seeking new challenges」(尋找新的挑戰)。
離職信英文架構 4. 感謝公司與團隊
I truly appreciate the opportunities and experiences I have gained during my time at 【公司名稱】. Working with such a talented team has been a great learning experience, and I am grateful for the support and mentorship I have received.
離職信英文架構 5. 交接與後續安排
I will do my best to ensure a smooth transition and am happy to assist with training my replacement. Please let me know how I can help during this transition period.
離職信英文架構 6. 禮貌結尾與祝福
Thank you once again for everything. I look forward to staying in touch, and I hope our paths will cross again in the future.
Best regards,
Subject: Resignation Notice –【你的名字】
I hope you are doing well. I am writing to formally resign from my position as【職位名稱】at【公司名稱】, with my last working day on【最後工作日】.
The decision was not easy, but I have decided to pursue new career opportunities that align with my long-term goals. I sincerely appreciate the guidance, support, and experiences I have gained during my time at【公司名稱】.
I will ensure a smooth transition and am happy to assist in handing over my responsibilities. Please let me know how I can be of help during this period.
Thank you once again for everything. I hope to keep in touch in the future.
Best regards,
Subject: Notice of Resignation –【你的名字】
I am writing to formally resign from my position as【職位名稱】at【公司名稱】, effective【最後工作日】. Due to personal reasons and relocation, I will not be able to continue my role at the company.
It has been a pleasure working with such a fantastic team, and I sincerely appreciate the support and guidance I have received. The experiences gained here will always be invaluable to my career.
I will ensure a smooth transition in the coming weeks. Please let me know how I can assist during this process.
Thank you for everything, and I hope we can stay in touch.
Best regards,
Subject: Resignation Notice –【你的名字】
Dear 【主管名字】,
I would like to formally resign from my role as【職位名稱】at 【公司名稱】, with my last working day on 【最後工作日】.
Thank you for the opportunities and experiences. I appreciate all the support I have received and will do my best to ensure a smooth transition.
Best regards,
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