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本文從英文面試準備的類型開始,到實際面試最佳的回答英文面試對話範例,手把手全方位的教你英文面試準備技巧,讓你從面試中脫穎而出,offer get手到擒來!
電話 | 接到電話時,可以先移動至安靜的地點,仔細聆聽問題,並以帶有自信的語調回覆,言談中避免無意義的語助詞,也可以適當提出關鍵問題,加深好印象,並在結束前表達謝意 |
視訊 | 視訊英文面試準備一定要在約定時間前,先測試電腦電量是否充足、網路、鏡頭、聲音、耳機狀態是否正常,並確保視訊範圍環境安靜、整潔、明亮,並穿上正式得體的服裝,搭配精神感佳的妝容,將所需檔案事先開好,或將資料放置在隨手可拿之處 |
一對一 | 正式合宜的服裝及妝容是一對一英文面試準備的基本,面試當天為避免路上可能的突發狀況,應提早出門,帶好所需文件,並在面試時間前5-10鐘報到。面試時以適當的禮儀及肢體語言,語意通順有自信的展現自已 |
團體 | 與一對一面試注意事項相同,但唯有幾點是團體英文面試準備要留意。多人一同面試,多少有怕輸的競爭感,與其搶著表現自已,在團體中更應表現出尊重合群的態度,並同時在清晰的思緒與邏輯中,放入自身獨到的觀點,適當的發言與強調自我特色,更能在團體面試中被看見 |
【 面試英文自我介紹流程 】打招呼 ➤ 個人背景 ➤ 個人特質 ➤ 目標
面試英文自我介紹流程重點➤ 打招呼
例:Pleasant to meet you. Good morning. / Good afternoon. (很高興認識你 / 早安 / 午安)
面試英文自我介紹流程重點➤ 個人背景
例:In my leisure time, I enjoy …. / I go to…. (在我的閒暇時間,我喜歡…)
面試英文自我介紹流程重點➤ 個人特質
例:e.g. adaptable / communicate … (適應力 / 溝通)
面試英文自我介紹流程重點➤ 目標
例:In the short-term ∕ long-term, I’d like to… (我的短期 / 長期目標是…)
英文面試練習網站1:Interview Warmup
Interview Warmup 是由 Google 創建的免費英文面試練習網站,當使用者按下「開始練習」後,系統就會詢問你想練習哪一種領域,包括一般英文面試問題、數據分析、電商、IT、PM 等。
在 AI 當道的時代,你當然也可以用 ChatGPT(https://chat.openai.com/)幫助你練習英文面試,只不過缺點是目前僅能使用文字進行對答,口語部分就得靠自己額外練習了。
那麼要怎麼用 ChatGPT 來模擬面試呢?首先你可以跟他說:「我想練習 XXX 領域的英文面試,你當面試官並詢問我問題,回答後請給我建議。」
之後 ChatGPT 就會開始丟出英文面試問題,回答後他就會給你相關的回饋,小編個人覺得蠻實用的,只是練習之前需要花一些時間跟他溝通就是了。
▶衍伸閱讀:如何進行Chat GPT 英文學習?實用6方法與指令教學!
其次最重要的就是進行英文面試準備問題,以下 YES 編編提供 12 個常見問題與回應範例供你參考。
到了英文面試當天,最重要的事情就是不要遲到,如果要提早到的話也請早個 10 分鐘左右就好。
英文面試對話範例1. Tell me about yourself. 跟我說說您自己吧!
Sure, so, my name is Joe and I am 27 years old.
For the past 5 years, I’ve been working as a business analyst at Company X and Y.
I have some background in data analysis, with a degree from University XY. What really got me into the field, though, is the internship I did at Company Z.
Throughout my career, I’ve noticed that I’ve always been good with numbers and handling data.
For example, when I was working at Company X, I led a project for migrating all operations data to a new data warehousing system to cut down on costs. The new solution was a much better fit for our business, which eventually led to savings of up to $200,000 annually.
Moving forward, I hope to expand my experience across different industries. Particularly fintech, which is why I’m interested in your company…
英文面試對話範例2. Walk me through your resume. 幫我簡述一下你您的履歷吧!
I started off my marketing career as an intern. During the six-month period, I took care of writing website copy, building email campaigns, and creating posts for social media. My progress was well-received by the management, and I got hired for a full-time marketing specialist position. With that promotion, my responsibilities increased – I was in charge of the company’s social media accounts and was doing everything from creating posts to building ad campaigns. The accomplishment I am most proud of is winning Marketer of the Year, as that was definite proof that all my hard work was recognized. Another essential thing I included on my resume is my skill set, including my ability to use all major social media platforms.”
英文面試對話範例3. Why do you want to work at this company? 為什麼想到我們公司工作?
- This opportunity is really exciting for me as I will be able to… (這個機會對我來說真的很令人興奮,因為我將能夠…)
- I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking/well-established company/industry as… (我認為這個角色是在一家有前瞻性的/經驗豐富的公司/行業中發展我的職業生涯的方式,因為…)
- I feel I will succeed in the role because I have experience in/soft skills that demonstrate/ I’ve taken this course… (我覺得我在這個角色中會取得成功,因為我在…方面有經驗/具備展示出的軟技能/我已經修過這門課程…)
- I believe my skills are well-suited to this job because… (我相信我的技能非常適合這份工作,因為…)
英文面試對話範例4. Why do you want this job? 為什麼你想要這份工作?
- I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward-thinking/fast-moving company/industry, and I feel I can do so by/with my… (我將這個機會視為對一家令人興奮的/具前瞻性的/快速發展的公司/行業做出貢獻的方式,而我認為我可以透過我的…來實現這一點。)
- I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because … (我覺得我的技能特別適合這個職位,因為…)
● I believe I have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role and at the company because … (我相信我擁有成功擔任這個職位以及在這家公司的所需知識,因為…)
● I’m excited about this job opportunity, as it would allow me to … (我對這個工作機會感到興奮,因為這將使我能夠…)
英文面試對話範例5. What are your strengths? 你的優點是什麼?
- I consider my leadership skills to be one of my greatest strengths. During my time as a department head, I successfully merged two teams and organized training programs for all team members to ensure that everyone was confident in their new role. As a result, we were able to increase sales by 5% within our first month as a new team. (我認為我的領導能力是我最大的優勢之一。在我擔任部門主管的期間,我成功地合併了兩個團隊,並為所有團隊成員組織了培訓計劃,確保每個人都對他們的新角色充滿信心。結果,在我們作為新團隊的第一個月內,我們成功地將銷售額提高了 5%。)
- Thanks to my experience as an HR representative, I have gained excellent communication skills. I was responsible for facilitating informational workshops for staff members and mediating any conflict in the workplace. I have also completed a course on effective communication from UCLA. (多虧我擔任人力資源代表的經驗,我獲得了出色的溝通能力。我負責為員工組織信息研討會,並在職場中調解任何衝突。此外,我還完成了 UCLA 的有效溝通課程。)
- I have 5 years of experience as a copywriter and consider myself to have strong writing skills. I was promoted to an editorial position after five years at the company, so I have also improved my editing skills thanks to my new role. (我擁有 5 年的文案撰寫經驗,並認為自己具有優秀的寫作技能。在公司工作五年後,我被提升到編輯職位,因此我也透過新角色提升了編輯技能。)
NG回答:提供過於模糊或通用的優點,像是 “我是個好團隊成員” 而沒有具體例子來支持;自吹自擂,表現出自大或自負的態度。
英文面試對話範例6. What are your weaknesses? 你的弱點是什麼?
- I find public speaking intimidating and have often struggled with presentations. As a result, I am currently taking a public speaking course at a community college to become more confident and learn to structure a speech more effectively. (我覺得公開演講讓人感到害怕,並且在做演示時常常感到困難。因此,我目前正在社區大學修習公開演講課程,以增加自信並學習更有效地結構演講。)
- I often struggle with delegating and choose to take on a larger workload to ensure that a task is completed perfectly. This puts more pressure on me, so I have been using software to assign tasks and track their completion. So far this has helped me to trust my co-workers and focus more on my own tasks. (我常常在分派任務上感到困難,寧願承擔更大的工作量,確保任務完成得完美無缺。這使我承受了更大的壓力,所以我一直在使用軟件來分配任務並追蹤它們的完成情況。到目前為止,這幫助我更加信任我的同事,並更專注於自己的任務。)
- Shyness is something that I struggle with in large groups. I find it intimidating to ask questions or raise points, so I have often remained quiet in the past. I have been trying to be more vocal in smaller groups to become more confident. (在大團體中,我常常面臨害羞的困擾。我發現在提問或提出觀點時感到有壓力,因此我過去經常保持沉默。我一直在努力在較小的團體中更加發聲,以增強自信。)
英文面試對話範例7. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it. 請告訴我一個你在工作中遇到的挑戰或衝突,以及你是如何應對的。
At my last job in sales, we had an issue with a client who was extremely unhappy with the specifics of our arrangement.
As her primary point of contact in the company, it was my job to defuse the situation and help him come to a new deal that worked for both our company and his.
First, I spoke to him about the specifics he was upset with, namely delivery costs and trouble he was having using our software. We rehashed sticking points to the point where he was satisfied with the new arrangement. Additionally, we assigned him a permanent customer success representative to ensure he could take full advantage of our products.
While at the start, he was close to ending our relationship, by the end he was a happy customer. He later subscribed to our full-service package and became one of our top five clients the following year.
英文面試對話範例8. What is your greatest professional achievement? 你最好的職業成就是什麼?
My greatest achievement at my last company was when I designed and implemented a loyalty card scheme for customers.
During the first 6 months of the launch we saw increases in revenue of 19%, which was the biggest increase the company had ever seen during a 6-month period.
Through this initiative I gained a promotion and won the ‘Employee of the Year’ award.
I would love the opportunity to apply my experiences and knowledge in planning and refining this loyalty system, to organise a similar initiate at your company. I am confident that I can improve your organisation, and I am keen to explore other ways I can drive more sales.”
英文面試對話範例9. Why are you leaving your current job? 為什麼你要從現在的工作中離職?
- I want to learn more. (我想學習更多)
- I feel like I’m ready to take on more responsibility. (我感覺自己準備好承擔更多的責任)
- I believe I’ve progressed as far as I can in my current role. (我相信在我的現職中,我已經達到了我能夠達到的極限)
- I need a change of environment to motivate me. (我需要改變環境以激發我的動力)
- I want to develop a new skill that isn’t required in my current job. (我想學習一個在現職中不會用到的新技能)
- I don’t feel like my current role is challenging me anymore. (我覺得現在的工作對我來說已經沒有挑戰性)
英文面試對話範例10. What can you bring to the company? 你可以為公司帶來什麼?
I saw that the job description says you need somebody who has extensive HR management experience. I’ve been working as an HR Manager for the past five years, and I think one key contribution that I’d bring to this role and company is my familiarity with your industry. My last position was in this same industry, so I’m very familiar with the space. I’m also somebody who can take initiative and solve problems without being asked. Based on the job description, it sounds like your company appreciates people who are self-starters and are able to work independently, so that’s something else that I’d bring to this organization.
英文面試對話範例11. What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work? 你能舉一個在工作中你不同意做出的決定的例子嗎?
- One time, I disagreed with my manager over the best way to help a customer. And, rather than questioning her authority in front of everyone in the store, I asked her to speak privately in her office. I made sure to be open and honest about how I thought we could better handle the situation. She agreed, so we decided to do it my way. It taught me a lot about the importance of open communication in the workplace. Our customer left content, and we were able to establish an even better relationship. (有一次,我對於如何最好地幫助一位客戶的方式與我的經理意見不合。然而,我並沒有在店裡眾人面前質疑她的權威,而是請她在她的辦公室進行私下交談。我確保在交談中坦率地表達了我認為我們應該如何更好地處理這種情況。她同意了我的觀點,於是我們決定按照我的方式處理。這次經歷讓我深刻地認識到了工作場所中開放溝通的重要性。我們的客戶滿意地離開,我們也得以建立了更好的關係。)
- One time, I disagreed with my boss over a decision that would cost the company a lot of money if we did it his way. It had to do with how we were going to handle our Facebook ad campaigns, and I came up with a solution that ultimately saved the company a grand on our advertising. I ended up writing up a document explaining my plan and emailing it to him, asking to chat more in person. He loved the idea, so we went with it, and it ended up working out great. (有一次,我對於老闆提出的一個決定表示不同意,如果按照他的方式執行,這將使公司花費大量資金。這個決定涉及到我們如何處理Facebook廣告活動,而我提出了一個解決方案,最終為公司的廣告宣傳節省了一筆可觀的費用。我最終寫了一份文件,解釋了我的計劃,並通過電子郵件發送給了他,同時請求親自進行更深入的交談。他對這個想法很感興趣,所以我們採納了這個方案,結果效果非常好。)
英文面試對話範例12. Where do you see yourself in five years? 你這五年的規劃是什麼?
In five years, I want to complete the internal training program for my position. I’ve read about it on your website, and I think it’s a fabulous program. Not only would I get all the training for my role, but I would be on the fast track to becoming a project manager. That’s my top career goal. Plus, my ideal path would include working abroad for a couple of years. I understand that it’s of value to you to find people prepared to do so.
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